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Always Aspiring to be a great Artist

Wannabe, dreamer, wishes, just good old fashion hard work.

To create good art you need to work at it. You need to draw everyday, paint as often as possible, go to art galleries, read about art and expose yourself to new things. You need to find what you are good at. Look at this artwork. I think its beautiful, others would say 'what the heck is that'. To me it is a beautiful landscape with mountains, trees, all painted in bright unusual colours. Sold!

Madeleine McKinlay Art - value $2,500

When I was at University I didn't know what my style was, and quite frankly I am still working it out. My art lecturer told me that he felt I was born for abstract art. Abstract art is actually one of the hardest art forms in my opinion. It needs to feel right, look right, make sense, yet not make sense, have the viewer searching for answers and walk away feeling content. Jepus .... that's tough


I was initially inspired by nature. Rocks in fact. I visited local and famous beaches like Shorncliffe, Noosa, and then went inbound to Carnarvon Gorge. I photographed rocks from lots of different angles. Played with digital applications and altered the light. I then printed these out and played with complementary colours, contrasting colours etc.

I did find a look I was good at, but then I stopped painting in it. I need to continue to draw on things I love. I love bright colours, nature, architecture. I need to paint more again.

I need to discover, draw, photograph and paint more. I just gave myself permission.

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