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You are a fraud, and will never be successful!

Sound familiar. Don't listen to this negative voice in your head. Your brain will only believe what you tell it. It doesn't know the difference between truth and lies. You may be an amateur, but you are definitely not a fraud.

Why can't you be successful in art making? And what is the definition of success anyway? Is it wealth? Nope. Is it happiness? Yes, I really think so. Does making art make you feel happy? Yes. Well, I call that a success.

It's not about what other people think about your art, or the value that they or you put on it. It about is how it makes you feel while you are painting, its the journey. Or how you feel once it is finished. Art making is about expression, it's about our feelings. Colour makes us feel a certain way and can help us express this emotion.

If I am feeling great, I paint with blue, turquoise and white. If I am feeling uncertain, I paint in black, grey, and white. If I am feeling daring I might choose orange or yellow. If I want to hide my thoughts, I paint in abstract. If I want to feel nice, clean, and invigorated, I will paint the ocean. You see, painting gives us something we can't get anywhere else. It gives us the chance to talk to ourselves through paint on canvas, sifting through our thoughts.

Connect with your canvas today.

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